OLIVIER (Zeitoun)
- To fight against disease and diabetes
- To combat excess blood urea.
- To lower blood pressure.
- To cause urine output
- To improve the functioning of the liver.
1.Mode job
- Infusion
30-80 gms of leaves in a liter and a half of hot water.
Infuse 10 minutes.
Drink 3 or more cups a day before meals
Hot drink.
Alternate with flowers of hawthorn in case of treatment of hypertension.
- To fight against disease and diabetes
- To combat excess blood urea.
- To lower blood pressure.
- To cause urine output
- To improve the functioning of the liver.
1.Mode job
- Infusion
30-80 gms of leaves in a liter and a half of hot water.
Infuse 10 minutes.
Drink 3 or more cups a day before meals
Hot drink.
Alternate with flowers of hawthorn in case of treatment of hypertension.
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