
Affichage des articles du mars, 2014


                                                 SAXIFRAGE (KACER) 1-Indications - To treat diseases of the bladder. 1- Manual Plant decoction: Put in a liter of water from 15 to 20 grams of cut plant. Boil a few minutes. Let cool. Take 3 cups a day.


PANICAUT (Lahiet   EL Maaza) 1.Indication - Stimulating the activity of the kidneys. 1.Mode job: Root decoction A root handle for one liter of water. Boil 10 to 15 minutes. Let rest. Drink between meals


NOISETIER (Boundouqua) 1.Indication - Slimming cure 1.Mode job: Decoction of kittens Put 30 grams of kittens in a lite of water. Bring to boil and eat .Filtrer. 2.Timecode indication - Diabetes. 2.Mode of Use Fruits (nuts) Fruit consumption is recommended. 3.Indication - Wounds. 3.Application Infusion of bark Infuse some bark in boiling vinegar water for 10 minutes. To be used in dressings. 4.Indication - Feverish states. 4.Mode of Use TEA - Decoction Pour over 25 young branches bark grams a liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes before filtering and consume. 5. Indications - Varicose veins, skin and circulatory disorders. 5-Owner's Manual maceration Submit 25 grams of leaves to the action of the (boiling water 5 to 10 minutes. Marinate overnight. Predilection for discussing. .


Primevère ( Zahret Er Rabi ) 1.Indications - To expel intestinal worms. - Against dizziness, vomiting. 1.Mode job: infusion: A teaspoonful (10g) of plant or cut flowers per cup of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes Take a cup after meals. 2.Indications - For lute against migraines. - In diseases of the respiratory tract. - In the treatment of rheumatism. 2.Mode of use: decoction: A teaspoonful or 10 grams of root in a liter of water. Boil. Let stand 10 minutes. Take 3 cups a day between meals. 3. Personal details -To Heal bruises. 3.Application: Root decoction: Pour a liter of water 100 grams of roots. Boil until reduced by 1/3. Apply a compress with gauze to painful areas.


PRUNELLIER (Koukh Berri) 1.Indications - To combat constipation, eliminate urine and blood purifier. 1.Mode job: infusion: 10-15 grams of flowers per liter of water has boiled. Infuse 10 to 15 minutes .Use drink. 2.Indications - In the treatment of diabetes and asthma 2.Mode job: infusion: A dessert-spoonful (10 grams) of bark and leaves. .Take Infuse for 10 minutes 2 cups between meals. 3. Personal details: - Against diarrhea and as a tonic. 3. How to use: Fruit decoction: A handful of fruit per liter. Boil 15 minutes.


ROMARIN (EKLIL EL Djebel) 1.Indications - asthma - bronchitis - migraines - To regulate and calm the rules. - arteriosclerosis - Anemia and convalescence. - Congestion and liver failure. - frigidity 1.Mode job Put a few grams of flowers in boiling water. Infuse 10 minutes. - Take the morning before breakfast. - Take a cup before meals (liver congestion) and a cup after meals (liver failure).


ROSE PALE (Ouerda Dimechquia) 1.Indications - Against my constipation (elderly, convalescents, children) 1.Mode of use : Infusion Put 30 grams of petals in ½ liter of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes. Take 3 cups a day. 2.Indications - To soothe the nerves and drain the liver. 2.Mode of use : Infusion: Three plucked petals to a cup of boiling water. 3. Personal details: - To clean the face and body. 3.Sleep of use: - Rose Water Lotion: Infuse five handfuls of rose petals in a liter of boiling water. Strain and refrigerate. Take ¼ glass of rose water and add ¼ glass of cucumber juice, ½ glass of water from Cologne to 70 degrees and the juice of half a lemon. This lotion will serve as a tonic. The water in pure or mixed pink makes the skin less sensitive to attacks. - Inhalation of rose: Place on an electric stove a water-filled pan. Place on the pan a sieve or colander lined with rose petals. Take the face of the device, by concentrating the st...

Reine des près

Reine des près (Meliket EL Houkoul) 1.indications - For fever, diarrhea - To cause the elimination of urine and sweat - Tones the stomach and heart. 1.Mode job: infusion: Put 3 or 4 fresh leaves or a teaspoonful or 10 grams of dry leaves with cut flowers in a cup of boiling water. Infuse 10 minutes. Take 3-5 cups a day between my meal. 2.Indications: - To heal wounds and inflamed parts. - To relieve rheumatic pain. 2.Application: decoction: Pour a liter of water to two handfuls of fresh leaves. Boil 15 minutes. Use compresses soaked in the liquid obtained on wounds and inflamed parts. In hot application on rheumatism. To soften.


PILOSELLE (Ain EL Djmel) 1.INDICATIONS - To cause the elimination of urine. - Activity for the functions are 1.Mode job Herbal Infusion Steep for 10 minutes 10 grams of fresh plant in 100 g of boiling water. Take 2 to 3 cups a day.


POULIOT (Fliou) 1.Indications - To promote the rules - Against chronic bronchitis - To stimulate the activity of the liver and stomach. 1.Mode job Herbal Infusion: Plant 10 grams per cup of boiling water 10 minutes .infuser Take 2 to 3 cups a day before or after meals


OLIVIER (Zeitoun) 1.Indications - To fight against disease and diabetes - To combat excess blood urea. - To lower blood pressure. - To cause urine output - To improve the functioning of the liver. 1.Mode job - Infusion 30-80 gms of leaves in a liter and a half of hot water. Infuse 10 minutes. Drink 3 or more cups a day before meals Hot drink. Alternate with flowers of hawthorn in case of treatment of hypertension.


MYRTILLIER (INEB EL GHABA) 1.Indications - To soothe the pain of angina. - Against diabetes. Diarrhea and enteritis. - To treat children's urine incontinence. 1.Mode of Use Decoction of leaves A handful of leaves either 30 grams in one liter of water. Bring to a boil before filtering and consume. To be used as a gargle (angina) 2.Indications -Inflammations Mouth and bowel disease. 2. Mode of use : Dyeing Place in container part of crushed berries and five parts water Steep crushed berries 15 days in warm atmosphere. Filter. Take 15 drops per day for children and 40 drops for adults. 3.Indication - Dysentery 3. Mode of use : - Decoction of berries Put 100 g of dry fruits in a liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes repeatedly. Filter and absorb. 4.Indication - To enable the removal of sweat. 4.Mode of use : Cure berries. Consuming blueberries and add the fresh vegetables. Take exercise to drain the skin


MYRTE (ESS) 1. Indications - Wounds. 1.Applications Compresses and washing Remove the water after the heat source then dive 20 grams of leaves. Steep for five minutes. USE external to disinfect and heal. 2.Indications - Against diarrhea - As a tonic and softening. - To clean the airways. 2.Mode application Infuse leaves A teaspoon (15 grams) per cup of boiling water. Infuse for 15 minutes. Take 3 cups a day.


MAUVE (Khobeiza Berria) 1.Indications - Inflammation of the mouth and tongue. - Chronic nephritis - Constipation and diarrhea. 1.Mode  of use : TISANE Put 10 grams of flowers or leaves or both in one liter of water has boiled. Infuse for 10 minutes Use mouthwash and as a beverage. 2.Indications - Abscesses, boils - To calm inflammation. 2.Administration CATAPLASME Cook leaf purple shower and flax flour until consistency of porridge. Lay on muslin and apply proper heat. 3.Indication - Facilitate the intestinal transit 3.Mode of Use In addition to the tea infusion, take mallow leaf soup or soup. 4.Indications - Acute bronchitis. 4.Mode of use : 7-10 grams of purple flowers immersed in a ½ liter of water.


Corn  (Draa Chami) 1.Indications - To lower blood pressure. - Stimulate the activity of the kidneys and liver. 1.Mode of use: decoction Put a handful of "hair" but in a liter of cold water. Boil for 10 minutes and drink .Filtrer. 2.Timecode indication - Biliary colic. 2.mode of use: Infusion of flowers but Some grams of the dried for ½ liter of hot water. Steep and drink.


LIVECHE (Indjibar Roumi) 1.Indications - Promoting rules and calm the painful periods - Stimulate appetite - Cause urine output - Expel intestinal gas - Intestinal colic. 1.Mode of use: - Seed Infusion A teaspoon (15 grams) per cup of boiling water. Take 2 or 3 cups a day. - Root decoction or leaf 20 grams in one liter of water. Boil. Filter and for 3 cups a day.


LILAC (Leylec) 1.indications - For fever, the fever of malaria. - In the treatment of liver diseases. 1.Mode of use : TISANE. infusion 6 leaves per cup of boiling water. Infuse 10 minutes. Take a cup before meals. 2. indication - Calm pain points caused by rheumatism. 2.applications MACERATION 2 handfuls of leaves in a ½ liter of olive oil Let macerate 15 days in sunning. Decant and apply to rheumatism.


LAVENDER (Khezam) 1.Indications - calming - Whooping cough and spasmodic - Inadequate rules - AFR: rubella, measles - Indigestion, intestinal colic - Elimination of urine and intestinal worms - Asthma, flu, laryngitis and Migraine   - Coryza spasmodic   - Eczema. 1. Mode of use: Infusion of flowers internal use Beforehand, the flowers must be harvested before full flowering and dried in the shade. One tablespoon (15grs) flowering tops per cup of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes Take 3 cups a day 2.Timecode indication - To fight against skin parasites. - To assist and heal wounds. 2. Mode of use RISANE Infusion To be used in washing and dressing.


JUJUBE(Anneb) 1.Indication - To cause the elimination of urine. - To calm the inflammation of the throat and respiratory tract of the intestine urinary tract. 1. Instructions Decoction of dried fruit 30-60 grams of dry fruit in a liter of water. Boil 30 minutes. Strain and drink. Fresh fruit is nutritious.


Hêtre (ZENE) 1.Indication - Rheumatism and gout - Lung diseases - Intestinal parasites - Diarrhea, stomach ulcer. 1.Mode of use - Decoction of bark 30 grams in one liter of water. Boil until reduced all half. Take 2 cups a day. - Bark powder Scrunch beech bark. We obtain a powder which will at a rate of 10 gms per day.


GRENADIER ( Remane ) 1. Indications - Against diarrhea, hemorrhage - To eliminate intestinal worms. 1.Mode of Use decoction Put 6 young bark grams branches or flowers in two glasses of water. Let macerate 24 hours Boil to reduce to a glass. Sweeten and flavor (mint, lemon) 2.Timecode indication - To strengthen the gums. 2.Mode of use  GARGLE Put 25 grams of pomegranate peel in a ½ liter of water. Boil 3 minutes. Strain and use as a mouthwash (rinse and reject).


GLOBULAIRE (Thasselgha) 1.Indications - constipation - pneumonia - Gastric bleeding. lung - Joint diseases. drop 1.Mode of Use Decoction of leaves 40 grams in one liter of water. Boil 10 minutes. Strain, sweeten. Take a cup. 2.Timecode indication - To purify the blood. 2.Mode job TISANE. decoction Boil 60 grams of leaves in 2 liters of water until reduced by half. Take each morning fasting a cup.


GAILLET BLANC (Moukhatir Halib) (Caille–Lait) 1.Indications - Against obesity - jaundice - Urinary stones - Chronic nephritis - rheumatism - diabetes - To eliminate urine - As a sedative 1.Mode of Use TEA - INFUSION Infuse 10-15 grams of flowers in a quart of warm water for 5 minutes. Drink at will. 2.Indications - Congestion and liver failure. 2.Mode job infusion See above Take ¼ hour before meals (congestion) a cup. 1 cup after 2 meals (deficiency) for three weeks.


FRAXINELLE (Rihane EL Ardh) 1. Indications - Anemia - Asthenia (fatigue) 1.Mode of use  infusion 40 grams of bark in a liter of boiling water Infuse 10 minutes. Take 3 cups a day. 2.Indications - bloating - Aid digestion - Eliminate intestinal worms 2. How to Use TEA - INFUSION Infuse 20 grams of leaves in water that has just boiled. Take 3 cups a day.


FRAMBOISIER (Framboisa) 1.Indications - To combat fevers and gripes - To stimulate liver activity. 1. Instructions syrup Raspberries (1 kilo) cooked over low heat with sugar (1.5 kg) 2.Indications - Calm the painful periods - Eliminate waste from the gut - Against diarrhea - Aid digestion. 2. How to Use INFUSION 40-50 grams of leaves in a liter of hot water or 3 leaves per cup. Infuse 10 minutes. Take 3 cups a day. Raspberries are recommended in the treatment of diabetes and rheumatism.


Raspberry  (Tout EL Ghaba) 1.Indications: - diabetes - Pulmonary tuberculosis - rheumatism 1.Mode of use fruits Consume twice per day. 2.Instructions - diarrhea - Intestinal ailments - Renal colic. 2.Mode of Use - Decoction A handful of young leaves in ½ liter of water. Boil. Strain and drink. - Fruits   consume 3. Indications - constipation - Stimulate appetite - Milky bottlenecks. - bleeding - To remove the urine. - Stop lactation. 3. Mode  of use   Root decoction 30 grams per liter of water. Boil 10 minutes and drink or root decoction and leaf.


Euphorbia 1.Indication - Warts and skin tumors. 1.Application Suc costs U Use cotton coated stick and dipped in euphorbia bag. 2.Timecode indication - To cause inflammation of the skin and the birth of blisters. 2. Instructions - Application         Applied fresh plant   - Friction   Rub the skin with leaves To bring liquids that harm the functioning of some organs. .