

                                                 SAXIFRAGE (KACER) 1-Indications - To treat diseases of the bladder. 1- Manual Plant decoction: Put in a liter of water from 15 to 20 grams of cut plant. Boil a few minutes. Let cool. Take 3 cups a day.


PANICAUT (Lahiet   EL Maaza) 1.Indication - Stimulating the activity of the kidneys. 1.Mode job: Root decoction A root handle for one liter of water. Boil 10 to 15 minutes. Let rest. Drink between meals


NOISETIER (Boundouqua) 1.Indication - Slimming cure 1.Mode job: Decoction of kittens Put 30 grams of kittens in a lite of water. Bring to boil and eat .Filtrer. 2.Timecode indication - Diabetes. 2.Mode of Use Fruits (nuts) Fruit consumption is recommended. 3.Indication - Wounds. 3.Application Infusion of bark Infuse some bark in boiling vinegar water for 10 minutes. To be used in dressings. 4.Indication - Feverish states. 4.Mode of Use TEA - Decoction Pour over 25 young branches bark grams a liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes before filtering and consume. 5. Indications - Varicose veins, skin and circulatory disorders. 5-Owner's Manual maceration Submit 25 grams of leaves to the action of the (boiling water 5 to 10 minutes. Marinate overnight. Predilection for discussing. .


Primevère ( Zahret Er Rabi ) 1.Indications - To expel intestinal worms. - Against dizziness, vomiting. 1.Mode job: infusion: A teaspoonful (10g) of plant or cut flowers per cup of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes Take a cup after meals. 2.Indications - For lute against migraines. - In diseases of the respiratory tract. - In the treatment of rheumatism. 2.Mode of use: decoction: A teaspoonful or 10 grams of root in a liter of water. Boil. Let stand 10 minutes. Take 3 cups a day between meals. 3. Personal details -To Heal bruises. 3.Application: Root decoction: Pour a liter of water 100 grams of roots. Boil until reduced by 1/3. Apply a compress with gauze to painful areas.


PRUNELLIER (Koukh Berri) 1.Indications - To combat constipation, eliminate urine and blood purifier. 1.Mode job: infusion: 10-15 grams of flowers per liter of water has boiled. Infuse 10 to 15 minutes .Use drink. 2.Indications - In the treatment of diabetes and asthma 2.Mode job: infusion: A dessert-spoonful (10 grams) of bark and leaves. .Take Infuse for 10 minutes 2 cups between meals. 3. Personal details: - Against diarrhea and as a tonic. 3. How to use: Fruit decoction: A handful of fruit per liter. Boil 15 minutes.


ROMARIN (EKLIL EL Djebel) 1.Indications - asthma - bronchitis - migraines - To regulate and calm the rules. - arteriosclerosis - Anemia and convalescence. - Congestion and liver failure. - frigidity 1.Mode job Put a few grams of flowers in boiling water. Infuse 10 minutes. - Take the morning before breakfast. - Take a cup before meals (liver congestion) and a cup after meals (liver failure).


ROSE PALE (Ouerda Dimechquia) 1.Indications - Against my constipation (elderly, convalescents, children) 1.Mode of use : Infusion Put 30 grams of petals in ½ liter of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes. Take 3 cups a day. 2.Indications - To soothe the nerves and drain the liver. 2.Mode of use : Infusion: Three plucked petals to a cup of boiling water. 3. Personal details: - To clean the face and body. 3.Sleep of use: - Rose Water Lotion: Infuse five handfuls of rose petals in a liter of boiling water. Strain and refrigerate. Take ¼ glass of rose water and add ¼ glass of cucumber juice, ½ glass of water from Cologne to 70 degrees and the juice of half a lemon. This lotion will serve as a tonic. The water in pure or mixed pink makes the skin less sensitive to attacks. - Inhalation of rose: Place on an electric stove a water-filled pan. Place on the pan a sieve or colander lined with rose petals. Take the face of the device, by concentrating the st...